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Student Association of Professional Landmen Highlights
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Membership level
Active Membership
- $50.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: October 1st
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Active Membership in the Association is limited to persons, irrespective of basis of compensation or title, who have been directly, primarily and regularly engaged in land work relating to oil, gas and other mineral exploration and/or exploitation for a minimum of (3) years, and who have submitted a written application of the prescribed form and/or have met the qualifications for membership in the Association as forth by the Membership Committee. Only active members may vote in association affairs, hold office or sponsor membership applications.
Associate Membership
- $50.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: October 1st
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Associate Membership in the Association is limited to persons who have been directly, primarily and regularly engaged in or who have been associated with land work relating to oil, gas and other mineral exploration and exploitation for a minimum of one (1) year and who have submitted a written application on the prescribed form and/or have met the qualifications for membership in the Association as set forth by the Membership Committee. Associate members shall have all the rights and privileges of active members except those of voting, holding office and sponsoring membership applications. The Membership Committee may, at its discretion, grant Associate Membership to persons engaged in, or associated with land work for less than one (1) year.
Student Membership
- Free
Subscription period: 1 year, on: October 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Student Membership in the Association shall be available to those students who are actively engaged in the pursuit of academic careers, primarily in petroleum land management. Such student applicants shall be required to offer proof of their current academic status. Upon graduation, a student member of good standing with the Association may become an Associate Member upon request of the Student Member and upon approval of the Membership Committee.
Lafayette Association of Professional Landmen, Inc.
P.O. Box 53491, Lafayette, LA 70505
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